
Root Canal in Moncks Corner, SC

A restorative treatment done in one or two visits that has the potential to last a lifetime.

A patient at Moncks Corner Dental Group getting a root canal treatment.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that removes infected or inflamed tissue from the inner part of a tooth called the pulp. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that nourish and support the tooth. When the pulp becomes infected from deep decay, repeated dental procedures, or tooth trauma, it often causes intense pain, swelling, and sometimes abscesses.

A root canal treatment involves removing the damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and filling them with a biocompatible material. The tooth is then restored with a filling or crown to protect it from further damage.

Who Needs a Root Canal?

Not everyone with a dental infection or inflammation requires a root canal. However, if you experience any of the following signs and symptoms, you may need a root canal treatment:

  • Severe toothache that doesn't go away with painkillers
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Swelling and tenderness in the gums around the affected tooth
  • Darkening or discoloration of the tooth
  • Persistent bad breath or taste in the mouth

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Root Canal Statistics

  • More than 15 million root canal procedures are performed every year.1
  • More than 41,000 root canals are performed each day.1


More than 41,000 root canals are performed each day


Endodontists perform 25 root canal treatments each week; general dentists perform fewer than 2

An example on how a root canal treatment is performed from Moncks Corner Dental Group in Moncks Corner.

Why Choose Moncks Corner Dental Group for Root Canal Treatment?

At Moncks Corner Dental Group, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest-quality of care. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in endodontic procedures. That is why we apply the latest techniques and use advanced, proven technologies to provide safe and effective treatments. Here are five reasons to choose us for your root canal treatment:

  • Experienced professionals: Our team has years of professional experience in providing root canal treatments.
  • Personalized care: We take the time to listen to your concerns and develop a treatment plan that is personalized to your specific needs.
  • Advanced, proven technologies: Our dental office is equipped with the latest technology to ensure highest quality dental care.
  • Affordable prices: Everyone should have access to affordable dental care. We work with you to offer the care you need. 

If you're unsure whether you need a root canal, contact Moncks Corner Dental Group to schedule a consultation with our team. We'll examine your teeth, take x-rays, and determine the best course of treatment for your condition.


Contact us today for a consultation.



Moncks Corner Dental Group

2830 Hwy 52 Ste 360

Moncks Corner, SC 29461



on the corner of Highway 52 and Cypress Gardens Road in the Moncks Corner Marketplace, next to Publix

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Dental Issues That Could Require Emergency Dental Care

  • Toothache or sever dental pain
  • Broken or chipped tooth
  • Lost or knocked out tooth
  • Swelling or infection in the mouth or jaw
  • A lost or losse orthodontic appliance (such as a bracket or wire)
  • Trauma or injury to the moth or jaw
  • Abscess or pus-filled pocket on the gums
  • A broken or lost dental restoration (such as a filling or crown)
  • Gum bleeding that doesn't stop

Root Canal Dental Experts

Our experienced dental team at Moncks Corner Dental Group in Moncks Corner is committed to providing compassionate and effective root canal treatments to our patients.

Why Choose Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment is a crucial procedure that can save a damaged tooth from extraction, preventing further complications and oral health issues. It helps alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by infected or inflamed tooth pulp, allowing you to maintain your natural smile and function.



Don't wait, Call Now 843-990-4715

Don't let tooth pain disrupt your life – call Moncks Corner Dental Group in Moncks Corner today to schedule a root canal appointment with our expert dental team. Our caring and experienced professionals will provide you with a comfortable and successful treatment to restore your oral health.

Root Canal FAQs

  • How long does a root canal treatment take?

A root canal treatment usually takes one or two appointments, depending on the complexity of the case.

  • Is a root canal painful?

Contrary to popular belief, in most cases a root canal treatment is not painful. With modern techniques and anesthesia, you'll feel little to no discomfort during the procedure.

  • How long does it take to recover from a root canal?

You may experience some mild discomfort and sensitivity for a few days after the procedure, but most patients can resume their normal activities immediately.


1 Jones, D. (2022, October 10). Endodontic Facts - School of Dental Medicine. School of Dental Medicine. facts/#:~:text=More%20than%2041%2C000%20root%20canals,of%20a%20root%20canal%20specialist